no, you do not have to wear boxer shorts. but if you did, you might consider VERY soft cotton.
Archiv der Kategorie: Pure Boxers
Introducing Lamb & Shadow soft selection
Saturday, Decemebr 9 and Sunday, December 10, we present the new „pure boxers“-line: Soft selection. A quick colour preview:
Eckerle Stuttgart now offer Lamb & Shadow Pure Boxers
Six colours, five sizes, first quality.
Important advice: New location at Stiftstraße 5, Stuttgart.
Guess what: ABACI Edition pop-up-store opening yesterday
PURE BOXERS Fall/Winter 2015 colours
Pure Boxers on taylor´s dummy
Pure Boxers Spring 2015
Lamb & Shadow bei BREUNINGER in Düsseldorf
Ab heute sind unsere Lamb & Shadow Vienna Lined Boxers und die Pure Boxers in der Menswear-Exquisit – Abteilung bei BREUNINGER in Düsseldorf offiziell zu haben.
Wir bei Lamb & Shadow sind begeistert!